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Apocalypse Reloaded

Most people think of birds as harmless and absolutely adorable. I DON'T. I think crows are evil. And pigeons, poop-machines. For this project, I imagined what it would be like if 'regular' birds possessed evil birds.


The extra limbs on the blue jay's head are used to catch preys cover all its attacks.


The black-crowned night heron has the mental ability to control all animals around itself.


The stork can create a magnetic field around itself.


Although the nightingale does not have the flying capabilities like its peers, its shrill and poisonous death scream does equal damage. 


The body of the forest kingfisher is made up of alloy steel which gives it the power to transform into any creature of any mass.


The owl has a sharp night vision and can emit death rays from its eyes.


All rights reserved - Shirin Kekre

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